Ponzio & Mantelli Lda

Ponzio & Mantelli Lda

Oporto, Portugal

3 opiniones en neventum Puntuación: 3,35/5
Insignias de

Servicios de Ponzio & Mantelli Lda

Ponzio & Mantelli es una empresa pionera que se ha destacado en el mercado de eventos de Europa, América y Medio Oriente.

   Sus socios tienen quince años de experiencia en el mercado de eventos, los últimos seis años dedicados exclusivamente a eventos internacionales.

Nuestros servicios

ü Montaje de stands para ferias y congresos;

üAgencia de eventos internacionales para el comercio exterior;

üConsultoría de eventos;

ü Contratación de mano de obra especializada;

üLogística y planificación de eventos;

üPromoción de la marca.

Donde operamos




ü Eventos corporativos

üMarketing en vivo


üEventos deportivos



Stands construidos por :Ponzio & Mantelli Lda

Four Import Brazil, Gulfood, Dubai
Four Import Brazil, Gulfood, Dubai
Dakota Shoes - Expo Riva, Italy
Dakota Shoes - Expo Riva, Italy
Savelli Shoes - The Micam, Milan
Savelli Shoes - The Micam, Milan
BIBI Shoes - The Micam, Milan
BIBI Shoes - The Micam, Milan
Stand Indonesia Pavilion in Brussels
Stand Indonesia Pavilion in Brussels

Opiniones sobre Ponzio & Mantelli Lda

Puntuación: 3,35/5 3 opiniones en neventum

Stand en Boston, MA publicado

Not recommended at all.

Let me write down my own experience :

First of all, my company has paid all booth cost to Ponzio & Mantelli Lda. We also made cooperation agreement to bind each other. Everything ran well.

Afterwards, exactly months after event finished, it all started with email sent by main event organizing committee, collect the debt to us regarding items that we actually stated in our contract whereas we have paid them all to Ponzio.

Ponzio is not paying his own debt to the main event organizing committee and imposes the debt on us. Instead of sending us payment proof, he ran away and blocked our contact so we couldn't reach him at all cost.

Please be cooperative.
If you truly have paid your debt, just show up, don't play hard to get.

if you're continuing like this, you involve your self to international fraud.
Bangga Balindra Nusa

Stand en Boston, MA publicado

Not recommended at all.

Let me write down my own experience :

First of all, my company has paid all booth cost to Ponzio & Mantelli Lda. We also made cooperation agreement to bind each other. Everything ran well.

Afterwards, exactly months after event finished, it all started with email sent by main event organizing committee, collect the debt to us regarding items that we actually stated in our contract whereas we have paid them all to Ponzio.

Ponzio is not paying his own debt to the main event organizing committee and imposes the debt on us. Instead of sending us payment proof, he ran away and blocked our contact so we couldn't reach him at all cost.

Please be cooperative.
If you truly have paid your debt, just show up, don't play hard to get.

if you're continuing like this, you involve your self to international fraud.
Frederika Ria Simanjorang

Stand en Boston, MA publicado

Not recommended at all.

Let me write down my own experience :

First of all, my company has paid all booth cost to Ponzio & Mantelli Lda. We also made cooperation agreement to bind each other. Everything ran well.

Afterwards, exactly months after event finished, it all started with email sent by main event organizing committee, collect the debt to us regarding items that we actually stated in our contract whereas we have paid them all to Ponzio.

Ponzio is not paying his own debt to the main event organizing committee and imposes the debt on us. Instead of sending us payment proof, he ran away and blocked our contact so we couldn't reach him at all cost.

Please be cooperative.
If you truly have paid your debt, just show up, don't play hard to get.

if you're continuing like this, you involve your self to international fraud.
Frederika Ria Simanjorang

Stand en Boston, MA publicado

Not recommended at all.

Let me write down my own experience :

First of all, my company has paid all booth cost to Ponzio & Mantelli Lda. We also made cooperation agreement to bind each other. Everything ran well.

Afterwards, exactly months after event finished, it all started with email sent by main event organizing committee, collect the debt to us regarding items that we actually stated in our contract whereas we have paid them all to Ponzio.

Ponzio is not paying his own debt to the main event organizing committee and imposes the debt on us. Instead of sending us payment proof, he ran away and blocked our contact so we couldn't reach him at all cost.

Please be cooperative.
If you truly have paid your debt, just show up, don't play hard to get.

if you're continuing like this, you involve your self to international fraud.
Frederika Ria Simanjorang

Stand en Boston, MA publicado

Not recommended at all.

Let me write down my own experience :

First of all, my company has paid all booth cost to Ponzio & Mantelli Lda. We also made cooperation agreement to bind each other. Everything ran well.

Afterwards, exactly months after event finished, it all started with email sent by main event organizing committee, collect the debt to us regarding items that we actually stated in our contract whereas we have paid them all to Ponzio.

Ponzio is not paying his own debt to the main event organizing committee and imposes the debt on us. Instead of sending us payment proof, he ran away and blocked our contact so we couldn't reach him at all cost.

Please be cooperative.
If you truly have paid your debt, just show up, don't play hard to get.

if you're continuing like this, you involve your self to international fraud.
Frederika Ria Simanjorang

Stand en Boston, MA publicado

Not recommended at all.

Let me write down my own experience :

First of all, my company has paid all booth cost to Ponzio & Mantelli Lda. We also made cooperation agreement to bind each other. Everything ran well.

Afterwards, exactly months after event finished, it all started with email sent by main event organizing committee, collect the debt to us regarding items that we actually stated in our contract whereas we have paid them all to Ponzio.

Ponzio is not paying his own debt to the main event organizing committee and imposes the debt on us. Instead of sending us payment proof, he ran away and blocked our contact so we couldn't reach him at all cost.

Please be cooperative.
If you truly have paid your debt, just show up, don't play hard to get.

if you're continuing like this, you involve your self to international fraud.
Frederika Ria

Stand en Boston, MA publicado

Not recommended at all.

Let me write down my own experience :

First of all, my company has paid all booth cost to Ponzio & Mantelli Lda. We also made cooperation agreement to bind each other. Everything ran well.

Afterwards, exactly months after event finished, it all started with email sent by main event organizing committee, collect the debt to us regarding items that we actually stated in our contract whereas we have paid them all to Ponzio.

Ponzio is not paying his own debt to the main event organizing committee and imposes the debt on us. Instead of sending us payment proof, he ran away and blocked our contact so we couldn't reach him at all cost.

Please be cooperative.
If you truly have paid your debt, just show up, don't play hard to get.

if you're continuing like this, you involve your self to international fraud.
Frederika Ria

Stand en Londres publicado

Hi, This is Luke from Ceva Showfreight - we've been trying to get in contact with you about your outstanding debit with us but you are constantly ignoring us and our accounts team. You have a large outstanding debt with us concerning services from Solar & Storage Live London 2024. Please contact us immediately.
Luke Titmus

Stand en Milán publicado

Perfect, all was.very good and quality.
Andrea Garcia

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Insignias como experto de Ponzio & Mantelli Lda

ha publicado en neventum stands construidos en multitud de ciudades y países demostrando su experiencia tanto en ellas como en sus ferias y sectores.

Insignias en país

Estos son algunos de las países dónde Ponzio & Mantelli Lda ha construido Stands

Emiratos Arabes Unidos, EUA

Insignias en ciudad

Estas son algunas de las ciudades dónde Ponzio & Mantelli Lda ha construido Stands

Riva del Garda

Insignias por Sector

Ponzio & Mantelli Lda ha construido stands para empresas de los siguientes sectores


Insignias por tamaño de Stand

Desde los stands más pequeños (XS, menos de 9m2 ) hasta los stands de más de 1,000m2 (XXL), Ponzio & Mantelli Lda es capaz de construir stands de cualquier tamaño


Insignias por Feria

Ponzio & Mantelli Lda ha demostrado su experiencia en las siguientes ferias

MICAM Milano
CES Las Vegas
Expo Riva Schuh

¡Contacta con nuestras especialistas!



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